Born in Madison, Maine, I have lived in Maine all my life. In my early years, I was tutored under the renowned artist, Franko Nanartonis. After graduating from Winterport High School, I received a diploma from the Minneapolis School of Fine Art. Later I studied with Maine artists, Celene Farris, of Morrill and Barbara Applegate of Bristol. I also offered private painting lessons at my home studio.
While my three sons were growing up, I put my aspirations on hold. I painted in my spare time and also became interested in writing children’s stories.
I am published in the New York Times Bestseller’s book, “Chicken Soup for a Kid’s Soul” and their 2003 desk calendar. You may have seen me at my book signings or on my television interviews. I’m also a published author and illustrator of three children’s books – “Silly Millie, The Silly Straw Hat”, “Silly Millie Goes for a Ride” and “Silly Millie Goes to the Farm”. These books may be purchased on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble Book Stores.
I am proud to be a member of The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, The Maine Highlands Guild, Maine Made Products, The Maine Art Commission, The Maine, The Bangor Art Society and The National Association of Professional Women.
I love working with oil paints. I am inspired by the work of the old masters and the work of present-day artists such as David Leffel and Don Edmondson.
My paintings have been featured in the “Maine Senior Magazine”, September 2023 issue, and The Bucksport Historical Society 2024 Calendar for the month of September.
My website is regularly updated to show my latest paintings. I hope you will visit often. You may also follow me on Pinterest and Facebook.
Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. I look forward to hearing from you.
Email Address:
Telephone: 207 942-7051 Cell phone and text: 207 300-5409
Major credit cards and PayPal accepted through PayPal Check-Out. Personal checks and money orders are also accepted. Please contact me for further information. Thank you.